Global Isotope Visualization

Improved with scientific data from teeth enamel research

Diet: Primarily C3 plants with minor C4 influence
8.0 (Second Molar)

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Teeth Enamel Isotope Ranges by Regionδ¹⁸O (‰ VSMOW)⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr0.7000.7050.7100.7150.7200.725NurembergSr: 0.709-0.711δ¹⁸O: 18 to 20δ¹³C: -15‰Region: Central EuropeDiet: Primarily C3 plants with minor C4 influenceδ¹³C Key-18-17-16-15-14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5Dietary Patterns:-18 to -16‰: C3 plant dominant-16 to -13‰: C3 with minor C4-13 to -10‰: Mixed C3/C4 diet-10 to -7‰: Significant C4 influence-7 to -5‰: C4 plant dominant

⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr Range: 0.709-0.711 (±0.001)

δ¹⁸O Range: 18 to 20 (±0.5‰)

δ¹³C: -15‰ (±0.5‰)

Region: Central Europe

Diet: Primarily C3 plants with minor C4 influence

Source: Corrected from Teglind et al. 2021: enamel δ¹⁸O = water (-9 to -7‰) + 27‰; δ¹³C C3 diet (-26‰ + 14‰)